The CBID Steering Committee has finished editing its 5 Year Plan and Budget. It will be presented at a Public Meeting on June 25, 5:30-7:30pm at Avavea - Conference Room, 990 Spring Garden Street, 5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19123. All affected properties will be mailed a copy of the plan and instructions on how to offer testimony and/or object to the BID’s 5 Year Plan 30 days (or more) in advance of the meeting.

卡洛希尔 (Callowhill) 商业改善区

5 年商业改善区计划和预算


Based on a survey conducted in the fall of 2018 and discussion at two publicly advertised meetings and many subsequent smaller group discussions with owners, businesses and residents, the top priorities for neighborhood improvements include cleaning and maintenance, lighting and public safety, and greening and public space improvements in the community within the proposed BID boundaries shown above.  This would enable the CBID to improve sidewalks and shared public spaces, and be prepared for the future to offer assistance to the Friends of the Rail Park with the maintenance of the next phase of the Rail Park in our community.

Cleaning and Maintenance: Services will include pan and broom sidewalk sweeping of the entire district, as well as additional public space maintenance activities such as vacant lot and short dumping site cleaning, graffiti removal and power washing. 

Lighting and Public Safety: Lighting activities would include leveraging BID funds to light the undersides of Rail Park phase 2 bridges at 10th and Hamilton, and 11th and Callowhill; increasing lighting on Ridge Ave and Noble Street; and preparing engineering construction documents to begin phased installation of additional lighting within BID boundaries. Public Safety enhancements would include programs such as incentivizing additional security cameras, supplementing security in the BID as needed, and working with the community and the police to coordinate increased public safety for the district.

Greening and Public Space Improvements: Greening activities would address open lots and provide installation and maintenance of greening elements such as trees and planters throughout the District; additional public space improvements could include sidewalk and street repairs, additional trash receptacles and maintenance, and other activities to improve and maintain public spaces and other physical elements of the district.

Personnel and Administrative: Personnel and administrative expenses include a BID Director Salary, billing, insurance, legal, accounting, contract management, communications, business recruitment and retention services, fundraising to leverage BID funds to bring additional resources to the district, and an office located in the district.


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Notes to 5-Year Budget:

1.               Total assessments from all properties in the CBID boundaries, including an anticipated 3% cost of living increase.

2.               The percentage of assessments that the CBID does not expect to collect during the billing year. For budget purposes, the CBID will expect an 85% collection rate in year one, increasing by 1% each year to an 89% collection rate in year 5.

3.               The amount of prior year assessment revenue the CLBID anticipates collecting in subsequent years.

4.               The total anticipated current and prior year assessment revenue for each year.

5.               Cleaning and maintenance items such as professional sidewalk sweeping, street cleaning, graffiti removal.

6.               Lighting and public safety items including lighting the underneath of the rail park and other areas in the BID boundaries, assistance with security cameras, other safety enhancements as needed.

7.               Greening and public space improvements such as trees and planters, maintenance of greening items, street furniture.

8.               Staff to manage all programs as well as fundraising to leverage BID funds for additional improvements to the district, programs to support business recruitment and retention, general administrative expenses.